Overall, a comparable raw milk preservation outcome was observed between storage under AP/RF and 50/RT after 14 days, with similar variations in the parameters studied indicating milk degradation. OK now I understand that the file settinsg for video / Capture in the iVMS-4200 client is only for local recording, for instance when clicking on the bottom right red button on the Main view screen however for event recording we must setup the iVMS-4200 Storage server If you havent already downloaded the IVMS-4200 Client Software you can do so via the link below.Raw milk (a highly perishable food) was preserved at variable room temperature (RT) under hyperbaric storage (HS) (50–100 MPa) for 60 days and compared with refrigeration (RF) under atmospheric pressure (AP) on quality, nutritional, and endogenous enzyme activity parameters. When you visit the link below you will see a few IVMS-4200 versions, make sure you download the latest version (which ever the highest numbers showing after the 'v' example: v2.x.x. This is why I proceed to a new installation on a dedicated desktop PC with both the "client" and the "storage server" running and followed the instruction from that iVMS-4200 Client software user's guide The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. NETDVRFTPSERVERFAILCREATEDIR: 172: Failed to create directory in the FTP server. This is another method to add your system to the iVMS-4200. NETDVRFTPSERVERNOWRITEPIR: 173: Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. Access the video wizard by clicking on Help > Open Video Wizard at the top of the iVMS-4200 application. This is the complete list of error codes in the iVMS-4200 camera. Click on the Device and Storage Schedule Configuration button and follow the prompts in the wizard. Server (SMTP) Select the outgoing server by clicking on it, then click the Edit button.